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Keynote: The Future of History 2020-2050
The Transformation: A Future History of the World from 02020 to 02050 | Peter Leyden (Talk + Q&A)
The Possible Future For Social Media Platforms | Chris Messina
The World in 2050
SB Turkey 2020 : "From CoVid19 to CoBuild20 : ReEnchant Your Storytelling to Embrace the Future"
Anatomy of Cargo Transport 2020 - 2050
Richard Watson at TEDxMunich 2011
Enhanced Cell Phone of the Future
Say hello to the future. iPhone X.
The Future of Food Security – Keynote Presentation by Dr. Robert L. Thompson
#96 - Matthew Griffin | Emerging Technologies (2020-2050) Impact on Global Culture and Society
A World in Transition by Keynote Speaker Matthew Griffin